Mar 16, 2021

"If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” Alfie Kohn

In the Reggio inspired approach there is lots of work to be done on developing our own image of the child and discovering what it is about each individual that makes them capable learners. Our own experiences as children, parents and educators shape what this can be and it's important to recognise the strengths and capabilities our individual children have. 

I believe that young children are capable of high levels of engagement in their learning. But how can they show this if i'm always the one deciding what we should do around the agenda I have as an adult? Doing this sets them up to fail.

Therefore my understanding of the child must be backed up by the practice and environment I create. This can be done by really listening to the child and exploring the curiosities they have and discover what drives them to know more. 

This can be done by identifying an intention of something the children would like to know more about. It might take the form of a question, an observation or something they have been fascinated in. Setting up a provocation and then listening to the child and letting their ideas evolve. 

As an educator our role here is not provide all the right answers or to always take a backseat in the learning. Instead sensitively interacting to be a partner in the learning and  discover the answers together. 

As a child, working in this way, is so powerful. The realisation that you're ideas and thoughts are valued and matter creates such a strength in emotional development. 

I think the notion of 'trusting the child' is one that we must hold in the front of our minds. Especially when there is so much discussion around lost learning time and catch up sessions. We can also be reminded here by nature. Everything always happens as it should in nature without ever an urgency to rush. 

How are your providing the children with many different ways to express their ideas?

If you need support with this check out my latest course here 


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