
Nov 30, 2021

There are many different ways that we can prepare for advent with young children and our loved ones. I like to make this time full of hope in my setting and learning environment and think about ways we can add a dose of cosy too! 

I have created a  FREE printable hygge in the early years advent calendar that can be used as a family to focus on collecting moments and making memories together over the festive season. Let's not forget the only Christmas present we wanted last year was to see family and friends. It's easy for the commercial side of Christmas to run away with us and make us forget what's important. 

I like to stick my daily hygge prompts into a little envelope or a postage tag and hang these up. We then take it in turns to open one each day over breakfast. 

 You might also decide to light an advent candle. In Denmark families enjoy foraging for natural treasures in the forests like bark, berries, twigs, moss and pine. They then enjoy coming home into the warmth and have some hot festive drinks while making their clay advent candle holders. These make a beautiful and unique decoration. 

You might also decide to be inspired by the Waldorf advent spiral.It symbolizes finding light in the darkness. It can be created on the 1st December and each day you could either light a candle or place a natural item you've collected in the indent. Or you could add a button or glass gem to it.

Here is a list of some other ideas to try:

  • A daily advent craft (reindeer footprints, homemade Christmas cards, decorating a bauble with natural loose parts, homemade reindeer food, homemade snow globe, paper chains, paper snowflakes, painting snow flakes, Christmas party table place mat, a fabric party hat)
  • Advent treats: Bake cookies, Make hot chocolate, toast marshmallows, Santa strawberries with cream, cream cheese snowmen rice cakes, pop some popcorn, reindeer Rice Krispie treats, Gingerbread people)
  • Wrap up a different book and pick one to open and read every day of advent. 

For more nature play ways to celebrate the joys of each season see my downloads available here


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