Bring Calm Into Your Day

May 16, 2019
Forest Bathing originated in Japan in the 1980’s and it’s a way of immersing yourself in a woodland setting. Giving yourself the opportunity to disconnect with the world, social media and the business of day to day life. It’s particularly important when we consider that we are creating a generation of people that spend very little time outdoors. A recent piece of research by the Environmental Protection Agency, showing that the average American spends 93% of their time indoors. Alongside this by 2050, 66% of the world’s population is projected to also live in cities which could add to how we are so disconnected with nature.
How can you forest bath?
It can be done in a small group or on your own. First find a clearing in the forest and take your shoes and socks off. This allows your feet to connect with the earth below. Science also shows us that this also allows the brain to deal with pain reduction and inflammation.
Next bring your eyes to a close and take some deep breaths in and out. I always like to create a longer breath out to clear by body of negative energy.
Then open your eyes and stretch your body up the sky and down to the earth. You might also want to link this to some yoga activities. During this time give thought to what nature gives to us and what we give back to nature.
You then need to find a tree to be close to and make a connection with the tree. Feeling the roughness of the bark or the smell of the pines. Look at the leaves and notice the shades of green, listen for the tweet of the birds or feel the breeze on your skin.
Why not find out more about stress reduction techniques in the latest podcast episode

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