How we spend our days is how we spend our time

Mar 10, 2022

Working smarter instead of harder is a big part of looking after our wellness.

In Scandinavia it’s very rare to see people working late or even logging over -time as it can be seen as working in an inefficient way.

Learning how to prioritize is a crucial survival skill for getting through pressured times. It brings order to chaos, creates calmness and space, and reduces stress. I walk you through the whole goal setting process inside the Hygge journal.

Essentially think of three tasks you must complete to move you closer to your overall goals each day. These are your needle movers and must happen. Anything else can wait. When we work in this way it means we spend less time working on the day to day tasks that can bog us down.

What 3 things must you get done today?


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Two Step

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