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"My Children Can't Sit On The Carpet"

Oct 08, 2020

Do you find your children struggle to sit on the carpet for group time. Here are some things to consider;

  • How long are your adult led sessions?
  • Are you breaking children off in the middle of their play to come and sit with you for group time? This might b for things like assembly times.
  • How many children are in your group? Could you break up into smaller groups (maybe even groups of 4-5 to start with and slowly increase it.
  • Do you plan adult led sessions inside and out to show the importance of learning happening everywhere?
  • Have you had a focus on how we can be a good listener? I like to have visual good sitting supports up, use verbal reminders and use makaton signs and actions.
  • Are you making your sessions active and irresistible? The use of props, engaging stories, using different voices (e.g quiet whispers at times or showing excitement, action rhymes, creating intrigue and suspense (something discovered in a box)
  • Have you planned around the children’s interests and what lights them up?

Kimberly x

Looking for more ways to bring calm into your day then check out my podcast episode "The children are wild and destroying my resources" on apple podcasts here

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