I am the Area Manager for Daisy Chain Nursery and over the
last year the nursery owner has worked hard transforming the
nursery into a home from home approach. The company has 2
settings and I work to support both settings whilst managing
the Liverpool site. The nursery Owner works closely with
myself and the teams and has completed a lot of the
environment work and the research behind it, educating the
teams along the way.
When the initial decision was made to change the nursery
approach we started by adapting the furniture and muting the
colouring to provide a more natural approach. We immediately
noticed a change in the behaviour of the 2 year old children
and also the children who have special educational needs. more
comfortable. hey seemed a lot calmer and the environments in
general seemed to be calmed as the children were being
stimulated by the toys and the activities rather than being over
stimulated by the general environment.
We began the process in the baby room and started
by adapting the way work was displayed and
purchasing new rugs and new equipment to make it
look more natural. We added plants to the
environment and we used natural coloured materials
and warm white lighting to make the room have a
cosy feel when you walked in. We have used a lot of
soft furnishings and added a Tee-Pee filled with
wooden and natural lose parts for exploration.
We then moved onto the 2 year old provision, this was
the point where I began to have some doubts as I was
worried at how we would fit the relevant learning into
the home from home approach however I quickly
learned that the process is more around how you
display the items you have and the impact moving
away from ‘toys’ can have on the children. We built a
large sandpit and made it into a natural
communication friendly space and this has had a big
impact on the children as they have a safe space to go
and play where they are able to use their whole
We added more natural resources to the pre-school
room and kept mostly the same furnishings however
we have recently began to adapt this since the
purchase of the second nursery. We are currently in
the process of adapting the furniture and resources to
make these areas cosy and warm.
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