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“I Think I’m Planning Too Much Enchanted Provision"

Oct 08, 2020

You’ve spent all weekend printing, cutting and laminating resources as well as planning what would go in each every of provision for the week. By 10am Monday morning you feel disheartened as the resources are strewn across the classroom or are not being used as you intended.

It’s exhausting isn’t it!? I know because that used to me. Then I realised it didn’t have to be that way.


Once I started planning from the children’s interests and fascinations I saw that the learning just happened in the high quality continuous provision I had already set up. Levels of engagement improved, I saw huge levels of creativity  and I rarely got interrupted to support behaviour. I stopped having children wandering around the provision looking lost or disrupting others as they were exploring their own ideas and projects.


This saved me so much time and I could spend time doing things that would actually had an impact on my children. Like planning a woodland walk for the children interested in barn owls or setting up a provocation to support a small group interest.


In the Hygge in the Early Years Accreditation I show you the exact steps to take to reduce your planning and paperwork and make child led planning work for you. Why not learn more here.

Have you tried my FREE Introduction to Hygge Training yet?


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