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How To Flourish This Autumn with Hygge in the Early Years

Sep 01, 2024
How to flourish this Autumn with Hygge in the Early Years...

As the leaves become crunchy underfoot here are a few simple ways to enjoy Autumn.

%uD83C%uDF42 Batch cook some delicious meals
🧡 Take a woodland walk
%uD83C%uDF42 Create some natural displays in your home and setting with pumpkins, squash, twigs, pine cones and acorns.
🧡 Make a blackberry crumble
🍂 Hang an autumn wreath on your door at home and setting
🧡 Fill jars with autumn leaves and fairy lights

🍂 Make a gratitude list and be thankful for the moments and things you have

🧡 Set up a seasonal small world scene of your local area
🧡 Add seasonal items and books to your nature shelf


 For more seasonal ideas see my Re-Wilding your Wanderlust Child Nature Study Programme 

Some books to inspire you: 


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