How To Flourish This Autumn

Sep 22, 2020
How to flourish this Autumn?
As the leaves become crunchy underfoot here are a few simple ways to enjoy Autumn.
🍂Batch cook some delicious meals
🧡Take a woodland walk
🍂Create some natural displays in your home and setting with pumpkins, squash, twigs, pine cones and acorns.
🧡Make a blackberry crumble
🍂Hand an autumn wreath on your door at home and setting
🧡Fill jars with autumn leaves and fairy lights
🍂Make a gratitude list and be thankful for the moments and things you have
🧡Set up a seasonal small world scene of your local area
🧡Add seasonal items and books to your nature shelf see the photos for some of mine!
For more seasonal ideas see my Wanderlust Child Nature Study Programme

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