
“Strive to make everyday the best day of your life, because there is no good reason not to.” Hal Elrod

Earning More but Living Less

Feb 04, 2020

What is the real point in working harder and living less? Why have all the money but lack in happiness?

Take a step back and consider what means the most to you.

1. Working every hour of the day, chasing the next promotion, having ‘things’ but lacking in moments.

2. Living a comfortable life, considering your spends, using money to invest into memory making and working less hours.
This is your life and you’re in the driving seat of it. Stop making excuses and start doing what matters. Even if you have to make huge changes. You won’t get to re-live these moments again.

For years we’ve chased money and thought it was the key to happiness. Let’s turn this around and see that happiness is the key to living a good quality of life.

If you want to know more on the Danish secrets to improved happiness and wellbeing join us for our Hygge in the Early Years Online Conference by following this link here

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"I struggled every day by getting stressed and my mind was racing which stopped me from enjoying running the setting"

Jan 03, 2020


In this weeks blog post hear from my lovely member Karolina on how she felt before she started on the Hygge in the Early Years Accreditation(find out more here!) and how it's changed all aspects of her life for better!

When I started developing my childcare setting I had no knowledge about Early Years at all. I struggled every day by getting stressed and my mind was racing which stopped me from enjoying running the setting, as I was working on my own I didn’t have anyone to speak to reflect on my practice and continuously thought that I am not doing enough. However, I was very passionate about teaching children independence through real life play situations using natural toys and equipment.  I very much struggled to understand how to observe children, plan in accordance of children’s interests and next steps. In general, I needed help with everything.  When I came across Hygge course I knew that this was exactly what I needed to help me...

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"Basically anything that children can't do or at home I do here." Laura- Stone Hen Childcare

Dec 11, 2019

"How do you resource your provision Laura?," I asked.

"Basically anything that children can't do at home I do here." Laura- Stone Hen Childcare

This is how the learning happens and Laura brings in the teaching around risk, the curiosity and enchantment. 

Find out more about Laura's practice here

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My Christmas Gift

Dec 09, 2019

My Christmas gift to you…

I could give you a present, or an advent calendar full of daily treats…but ‘things won’t give you moments of joy this Christmas. I’ve thought long and hard about this one and I want to give you 2 gifts this year; love and time.


So here is my letter to you doing just that

Dear Educator,

I know you care greatly about your job and work long hours doing everything you can possible do to give the children in your care the very best start in life.

I get that as I do too!

In the process of doing the ‘best we can’ we risk neglecting our loving family and friends that are around us.

But in our job…the saddest thing is that if we leave tomorrow, we will be replaced in a flash.

Yet then it’s too late…you’ve already missed so many precious moments you won’t ever get back. Think of all the giggles at bath time, seeing an elderly relative face light up when you spend time spend time...

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A Case Study From a Children's Centre

Nov 25, 2019

This week we are joined by Hygge in the Early Years Member Amanda Fisher who is sharing with you her journey on approaching Hygge in a Children's Centre. 

I have worked in Children Centres for 9 years, prior to that working within a preschool setting whilst my own children were little, I am currently privileged to manage a Children’s Centre in a deprived area with a wonderful community spirit.

I always strived to create a warm, welcoming and homely environment; indeed it is the one thing the centre is congratulated on frequently by visitors.  I wanted to extend this feeling throughout the centre which is what lead me to explore The Hygge Accreditation, the ethos is one which I feel most relates to what I want to create and offer to families, a sense of warmth, joy and belonging. 

The centre is a hive of activity throughout the week and one of the highlights is the Stay and Play session we offer weekly. We welcome families with children from birth and are...

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The Magic of Christmas

Nov 20, 2019

I remember Christmas as a trainee teacher working in a reception class. I thought to myself where is the fun, the enjoyment.. the magic?!

We were just in a conveyor belt of Christmas making activities! I wasn’t even sure that the children understood what they were making and why?!

We missed opportunities to discuss with the children the wonderful experiences they had at home of putting their tree up, family celebrations and going to visit Father Christmas in his grotto.

Christmas is such a busy time that it doesn’t always offer children the chance to slow down, observe, reflect and question. The freedom to look and listen and ask questions.

It can be a time when we forget all the high quality practice we usually do as we squeeze so much into one day. I urge you to try and slow things down a little this Christmas. Give time to igniting the senses, sharing favourite books with a hot chocolate and opportunities to just play!

Who’s with me?

Slow down your Christmas...

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Bringing some Hygge to Supervision Meetings

Nov 19, 2019

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum states that every member of staff must have appropriate supervision meetings with a member of the leadership or management team. Nursery managers must also have these with perhaps their nursery owner or the management committee or local authority.

 The purpose of the meetings is to support staff and their needs, identify the progress and development of the children, discuss any safeguarding concerns and celebrate success. The meetings also offer a good opportunity to deepen connections and relationships and be a time for self reflection.

 How can we embrace more Hygge in them?


Being equal is a key part of the Danish culture and so when organising a place for the meeting to take place makes sure it’s somewhere neutral. For example not in a managers office as this way it eases some of the stress staff might have with going into a leaders space.

We also want to make sure that there is shared responsibility for the...

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Your Approach to Intervention and Phonics

Nov 14, 2019

I had a discussion with a Year 1 teacher the other day and she was sharing with me how sad she felt for her children.

Her senior leadership team were putting pressure on her to 'drill phonics' into her less ready year one children every day with extra daily intervention group time as there was a slight dip in Phonics Screening results last year...

The intervention groups take place at a table in the corridor where the children get a repeat in the afternoon of the phonics lesson they had in the morning.

Imagine as a 5 year old having to do extra of the thing they really hate doing or struggle with. How would this make you feel? Would this make you excited and motivated to learn more? Would your levels of engagement be high?

In my training I talk a lot about how we have to make wanting to read and write irresistible. We have to tune into the child and find out what excites them. Discover what their purpose is to read and write.

Understand how you can more phonics more active and...

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Light Play Audit

Nov 12, 2019

Light play provides some excellent opportunities in your setting for children show some natural curiosity around science, engineering and wonder. Here are some resources you might like to audit your lighting play for…

  • Light box
  • Over head projector
  • Torches (range of coloured lights)
  • Shadow Puppets

Variety of loose parts to add to your light box;

  • Shiny and reflective resources
  • Coloured glass gems
  • Twigs of varying lengths
  • Mirrors
  • Foliage
  • Small world characters and buildings
  • Plastic ice cubes
  • Coloured counters
  • Sweet wrappers/ cellophane
  • Coloured cocktail stirrers
  • Coloured plastic shot glasses
  • Variety of buttons
  • Paper doilies
  • Numicon

Creative opportunities on the light box;

  • Water beads
  • Paint
  • Black sand
  • Eco glitter
  • Clay
  • Shaving foam

Don't miss out on the amazing opportunity to learn more about nature play here 

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Winter Nature Shelf

Nov 07, 2019

How do you create and celebrate the moments of joy that come throughout the year?

I like to create a nature shelf in the entrance to our setting that can be used as a way of creating a wonderful sense of arrival for young children and their families. It encourages discussion and a love for what is seen and experienced in the world around us. With a hope of making children and their families more present and strengthening the connections between home and setting. By encouraging children to add their natural treasures to this working display or observations.

Here is a winter themed Nature shelf that I set up at the beginning of December last year. It simply had an artificial tree, Pussy Willow in a tall vase, pine cones and Holly collected by the children, twinkly lights to bring the enchantment and then the wonderful book Pick and Pine Tree by Patricia Toht. This book is a delightful read about a family choosing and decorating their own Christmas tree- offering many discussion...

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